Sadly Daniel O’Leary died at the end of 2018

Hubble: Galaxy of Galaxies
A "galaxy of galaxies"
emerges from "empty space"
as more sophisticated technology
probes the cosmic gloom.
Startlingly, awesomely
a myriad of new and mighty neighbours
Is found to loom
in the hitherto unseeable reaches
of a tiny arc of sky.
It challenges us
to loose the fetters of imagination
and try
to accommodate within our minds
a God
whose creative power
is far, far greater
than we could possibly have understood
prior to this discovery hour.
For an index of other poems with a science and faith theme CLICK HERE
To see other cross-stitch images with a science and faith theme, scroll through the images in the right hand column
For an index of other poems with a science and faith theme CLICK HERE
To see other cross-stitch images with a science and faith theme, scroll through the images in the right hand column