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Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Sunday Evening and I Sit Cracking Walnuts

Pixabay free image

There is real blessing in  those moments which prompt a memory that has lain buried for years in our amazing brains - and then emerges in an otherwise quite pedestrian moment. It feels to me something to be very thankful for.  So, from a few moments just two days ago comes: (and the picture captures the moment wonderfully - although our nutcrackers are not so highly decorated!)

Sunday Evening and I Sit Cracking Walnuts

Sunday evening

and I sit cracking walnuts

fresh from a market stall. for the two of us,

It’s a sharp but gentle jab that does it best.

And as the half kernels emerge,

I discover something in common 

with a late father,

who delighted

in the same child-like way,

At any intact nut-segment

Wrested from its shell,

well before they could be purchased,

as a pre-packaged, 

supermarket commodity.

Thursday, 30 January 2025

He Was Holding Me: Dedicated to the women who are in despair in Gaza


Image from BBC News

He Was Holding Me

(How can any of us even begin to imagine the agony?)


This grew in my mind, in the night, after seeing the despair of a woman returning to the rubble that had been her home in Gaza City.


He was holding me.

He was holding me.

And the bullet came from nowhere.

And his beautiful, beautiful body

convulsed and collapsed around me.

He was holding me.

He was holding me.

He was holding me.

by Trevor Thorn and, I believe, inspired by The Holy Spirit.

Saturday, 25 January 2025


Throughout last year, I was encouraging churches to decorate their Christmas Trees in such a way that they became part of the Christmas story thus changing them from a prettified pagan emblem at the front (usually) of the church into a symbol of the angel host that hovered over Bethlehem and invited the edge-of-society Shepherds to be the first people to witness the coming of the Saviour of the World, the Messiah.

However, as the year has passed and our companion site (a more secularly based site than this), has developed the ideas of CLIMERICKS and CLIMCUBES, these two potent symbols of Climate change, Climate Justice and servanthood in their own right, offer an opportunity to turn a Christmas Tree into an even more graphic symbol than that of the Angel Tree. In this, they also need the help of some of those lovely Palestine Olive wood tree hangings. I hope you are beginning to get the picture.

That picture is, overall, almost breathtaking in its simplicity and explicit messages. Just look!

FROM THE TOP - down to just above eye level are your LOCAL ANGEL THRONG. As there is now plenty of time to prepare, why not ask local craftspeople to make angels for the tree in their own medium. You will then have a beautifully diverse fellowship of angels AND an opportunity to invite the crafters in for their own pre Christmas celebration and dedication of their work hanging in the church, which at its best is the beating heart of any community.

FROM EYE LEVEL to about 1metre off the ground - CLIMERICKS speaking of Climate Justice and Stewardship. So about OUR responsibility and opportunities to bring about the failing of the COGS industries.

BOTTOM QUARTER OF TREE - Palestine Olive wood tree hangings recalling the very land where Christ was born

AROUND THE TREE - CLIMCUBES to be given away at an Epiphany service - symbolic of our sending Your message of love and truth into our communities.

So the pretty but irrelevant Christmas Tree becomes a NATIVITY TREE -a  multi-faceted symbol of HOPE and OUTREACH: a glorious transformation.

Please pass this idea on far and wide if you think it has merit

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

21st January 2025


21st January 2025


A hazy winter sun,

lies directly to our south.

We are blessed to find

a vacant riverside bench,

where we are able to rest awhile.


We witness a chilly garden tidying

and are enfolded

by a gorgeously lazy

wood-smoke aroma.


Three thousand miles away,

mad things are being enacted,

that will sound the death knell

of our planet.


Yet here,

for a precious fleeting moment,

by the ancient-flowing Cam, 

all is wonderfully well with the world.

Thursday, 16 January 2025



This is a Palestine stamp of 1927 depicting The Dome of The Rock. Other stamps in the 1927 set pictured Rachel’s Tomb, The Tower of David, a Mosque in Tiberias and the Sea of Galilee. The Wikipedia citation quotes from Donald M Reid’s 1984 Article (in The Journal of Contemporary History) ’The symbolism of Postage Stamps; A Source for The Historian’, ‘The British Mandate scenes carefully balanced sites of significance to Muslims, Jews and Christians’

This begs an obvious question, If this was our Government’s stance in 1927, how have we come to the appalling pass that our most prominent politicians are backing the genocidal aims of just one of these three faith-groups. Is it not an unutterable disgrace? And especially as we back that faux-Zionist terrorist group with a constant flow of arms.

So let’s look at this through a different lens; the lens of simple verse.






Friday, 3 January 2025

A CLIMERICK FROM OUR COMPANION SITE ‘ECO-VERSES’ ON How to help the earth as you seek refunds for those unwanted returns

So we are in the season between the Holy Innocents and Epiphany which might contemporarily be referred to as the Season of Returns (Liturgical colour - unappetising grey - see picture). If that picture appals you, then here’s an idea to make a move that will help the slightly-longer-term integrity of the planet. We so often feel impotent. Claim a little bit of responsibility back from the abyss - and be assured that we at C& C and Eco-verses will applaud you.


If you’re now returning some clothes,

A I can quickly disclose,

if the path of return,

 will be just slash and burn

or perhaps NOT increase the earth's woes.

So we find ourselves in the ‘Season of the Returns’, when disliked, wrong sized, plainly unlike the description, clothes get walked to the Post Office or mailing boxes to land back on the vendor’s doorstep. This is a 'planet aware’ moment. 

Do you have any idea what the policy of that seller is to the possible van-loads of returns that arrive unbidden throughout this Season of the Returns.

Do YOU care? I hope you do, because you can do an Earth- friendly/ unfriendly check before you send a garment back.

One way (as suggested on 16th December on this site, would be to ask the sellers for a copy of their ESG (Environmental, Sustainability and Governance) report and see a) if it exists at all and if it does ask for a copy from their Customer Relations Department. Make your action dependent on what the report says. So, if that should reveal (Unlikely) that they simply trash all returns - and some undoubtedly do, there really isn’t an Eco-wise reason to send the garment back. Take the refund, take the garment to the nearest thrift or charity shop and bask in the knowledge that you have saved that garment poisoning the earth with many thousands of others.

However, all that takes effort. Though by taking that course, you will bring pressure on some of the more unscrupulous traders and earth needs to know some of you will (Bravo! Bravo)

So, yesterday, I tried a much simpler route. I am signed up to an AI suite and asked it ‘What will #GooseandGander do with a garment I return? It’s an ideal target for aa AI request, very specifically targeted, so the Algorithms will get straight to the heart of the query. It might take you quite a long time hunting round the G&G website, for example.

The answer came back in less than 5 seconds.

If you return a garment to Goose & Gander, they will typically inspect it to ensure it meets their return policy criteria (e.g., unworn, unwashed, and in its original condition). After that, they might:
1. Restock It: If the item is in excellent condition, they could add it back to their inventory for resale.
2. Sell as Seconds: If the item has minor flaws, they might sell it at a discount as a “seconds” item.
3. Recycle or Donate: For items that can’t be resold, they might recycle the materials or donate the garment to charity.

Policies can vary, so it’s best to confirm with Goose & Gander directly if you’re curious about their specific process.

Now, I realise the answer said ’they will typically...’ and not simply ’they will’. I’ll be following up and asking other retailers questions with the help of AI.

And at the end of it all, I feel as if I have struck a tiny, but significant seam of customer awareness.

Do think about it. I will be back with another thought- provoking idea in a few days.


Monday, 30 December 2024


AI generated image from Pixabay

Would it be fair to describe the age old custom of making New Resolutions being one of the most disappointing traditions of all time?

It does sometimes seem that we make resolutions knowing there is no hope of them being observed for the next 364 days; and loss of hope is always distressing.

So, this year, you are invited to make regular visits to our companion site, Eco-verses

Their post today, reads

 'Here, once again, on the threshold of the New Year, we will, maybe struggle to decide how to repeat resolutions that didn’t survive the whole of a previous year. Here’s a different approach. New Climericks will be posted at least twice a week and will keep you focused on the need to care for the planet. Among them will be some that suggest specific sustainable ideas. So, you’ll be very welcome if you decide to visit regularly.’

And maybe by doing this, increase HOPE for our fragile planet.

I resolve this year, twenty- five,

to help keep the planet alive.

I’ll watch ECO-VERSES,

and, oppose all the curses 

Of C O G S, and each day ECO-STRIVE.

*C O G S = Coal, Oil, Gas, Shale  which collectively are stifling the planet - stifling us. So Eco-verses will be giving ideas of how to protest against these industries in the churches, in the street or from the armchair: for those who want to make their voices heard from Age 6 - 106.  In ways that will not inconvenience others in the normal course.

Want to learn more? Learn more about the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE   

Friday, 27 December 2024

St John’s Day at St John’s Waterbeach (Nr Cambridge. UK)

We enjoyed a very special morning at St John’s Church, Waterbeach today. Whilst we live in the village, we are nevertheless, helping with Ministry (Pam, my wife is ordained and I am a Licensed Lay Minister) in the three edge-of-Cambridge villages to the immediate East of here: across the once great divide of the River Cam.

At one level, it was simply a joy to be among friends (a very special aspect of Christian fellowship that many people never comprehend), with whom we had been fellow-worshippers until 2015 when Pam retired. But it was much more than that. 

In the chancel there was a banner on display for the first time.It has been lovingly restored by Beryl Flack (who, as a matter of interest, is the sister of the late Michael Forster, who was the editor of Complete Anglican Hymns Old and New published in 2000 but probably better known as the author of ‘I’m black, I’m white, I’m short, I’m tall’).

And there was more... We also sang a hymn, written for St John’s Day in 2021, by Canon Brian Mac-donald Milne, nearing 90 and one-time Vicar of the church. The text is below and we sang it to the well known tune ‘Epiphany’ (Brightest and Best)

This twin display of skills caused me to reflect afresh, on the beautiful surroundings of the medieval village church. All around us were displays of skills from various ages, stonemasonry, carved woodwork, intricate embroidery both from a very long time ago, and then, with a desire to see a piece of the fabric, that had been embedded in the more elaborate worship style of yesteryear, the refreshed banner. Maybe there are some men (and sadly only men) who would have remembered the boyhood sense of importance of being 'in the procession’. And Beryl’s work, not only can prompt such evocative moments, but also replicates the exquisite skills of embroiderers of the past. Not only is there all of that in the more recent (than medieval) history, but it would all - or at least most of it - been worked by hand to the glory of God.

But that is only to keep our eyes at foot-to-head level. Look up and there are wonders to be seen in the carvings from the tops of the pews right up to the supports for the roof, and not forgetting those extraordinary mosaics. Beryl’s work and Brian’s author’s art stand in this long line of glory-giving work stretching all the way back to the twelfth century.

One could then pursue thinking about the motivation of the patrons down the ages, some of whom lie only feet away and who must have shelled out mega-guineas to place God in the focal point of the village. Anyone care to estimate what it would cost tor rebuild in entirety today?

And all of that before lunch-time!

So, Here is Brian’s hymn and if anyone has noticed this little outpouring of praise, and feels they would like to incorporate Brian’s hymn in next year's 27th December celebration, Brian would be delighted if you would mention his authorship.

As so often happens in the aftermath  of the great Festival of the Incarnation, we nearly didn’t go. We were so glad we did!




John the beloved and dearest disciple,

You and your brother, the thunderous ones,

Followed the Master the moment he called you,

Your father Zebedee offering his sons.


You had been wondering who was this Jesus --

Andrew and Peter had showered Him with praise --

You had been following John the Baptizer,

Who called on people to change their wrong ways.


Listening to Jesus and His exhortations,

Relishing parables, following Him,

You sought the leadership in His new Kingdom,

Longing to serve Him through all of your days.


Brother James died in the King's persecution ;

Others who died had first fled from the Cross.

You the survivor gave care to Saint Mary

Comforting her in the hour of her loss.


You were the source of the last-written Gospel,

Full of reflections on glory divine.

Jesus the Risen One's own revelation

Calls us to follow Him through all of time.


Brian Macdonald-Milne, 2021


Come women! Come women, help Earth.

If you once have, or soon, will give birth,

through the CLIMCUBE* campaign,

give the COGS** CORPS sharp pains,

in their greedy objective, net worth.


*COGS = Coal, Oil, Gas, Shale (This acronym is going to be encountered over and over again in further CLIMERICKS which are the outward looking faces of a CLIMCUBE (see below)


I write this having given a lot of thought to the possible ways in which anger can be expressed at consistent failures in almost every country, to formulate plans and make policies that will address the undeniable catastrophe our planet is facing. These plans and policies have almost always been made by men. I therefore conclude that what seems to me an instinctive desire for the vulnerable – and our planet is decidedly vulnerable right now makes it more likely that it will be women who save us, as they have done the Anglican church who would simply have run out of men to run it if they had not ordained women 30 years ago. 


The *CLIMCUBE displays CLIMERICKs, which, being only five lines long, cannot, of course, encompass every aspect I would have liked. So it appears exclusive of women who cannot or decide not to have offspring, a decision which I imagine might be a painful one, precisely because of this very climate threat. Such a decision can only be made more difficult with the lack of care for our common home being shown by those in power, 


No! To the contrary. I have the privilege of knowing single women who care passionately for the Earth and are prepared to take considerable risk to try and raise awareness of just how precarious our situation is right now. I am thankful for them


I am thankful, too, for the many Climate-caring men who are also excluded in this short burst of verse.  


But in terms of rallying the vast numbers of people who need to make politicians aware that they are failing millions of us, I suspect steering the CLIMERICK  towards women is a sound idea.


Women, too might, I guess, be more likely to voice                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       concern that profit is allowed, disgracefully,  to be put way above concern for people (ask many indigenous and poor people). 


That is, of course, because it maintains the power imbalances that enable the rich to consistently oppress the poor who are the end-of-the-line victims of Climate injustice.


Thus, any five-liner cannot possibly address the immense sweep of all this. 


But I hope my plea to women of all situations, to rally to this cause, which just might help save the Earth and us, will speak to many who read it, and prompt the response, 


‘I CAN do something: I can protest and teach my children and their children to protest at every opportunity.’


I have to say, for one, am pinning a lot of my hope on you?  


Thursday, 26 December 2024

For a brave Bishop, we give thanks 3

Inevitably after posting and finding more support, than expected, one ponders further.


Would there be any room amongst the hierarchical running-for-cover going on, that says: rather as the C of E was saved from near extinction 30 years ago by at last ordaining women priests, it might now be being saved from an hierarchical and bureaucratic power by some of those same vilified-even-now women who are prepared to speak truth to that same power? Ah well, probably not - but it is the view of this mere Licensed Lay Minister who feels he might just represent the views of some of his fellow parishioners and even possibly some of those people, whom we would love to reach out to – but really don’t  know how.


… And then to dare further and ponder whether it would be at all reasonable to wonder whether one could see any parallel in the action of a young Jewish, Palestinian woman who dared to accept the appalling risk of childbirth, at a time when very many mums-to-be died, to give birth to the one who came to save every one of us who would listen to his message of peace, justice and love? Again, probably too many steps too far, so I will not post on this topic any more.

Wednesday, 25 December 2024


The Shepherds’ Message (Poem)


I remember, oh how I remember,

that night and the following day:

the angels, the singing, the scurrying

and the sweet smell of clean bedding-hay.

A baby with parents bewildered

at our finding the byre where they’d lodged.

Such a very strange place for Messiah

to be born, for the purpose of God.


When we left as the new day was breaking

there were people who work at first light,

and we realised we should not keep secret

the wonders we’d witnessed that night.

So we, who live mainly in silence,

to detect sounds of lion, wolf or thief,

found our tongues running wild with our message,

of a child bringing goodwill and peace.

By the time we got back to the hillside,

we'd been stopped any number of times,

for the story had travelled like wildfire,

even faster than tales about crimes!

For some it was just as the prophets

had foretold - of God coming to earth:

to others a nonsense - but useful

to gossip and boost their self-worth


It was strange how a group of mere shepherds,

‘outsiders’ in ordinary times,

became sought after, visited, talked-of,

for our witness of Yahweh’s sublime

way of breaking the news of Messiah

throughout Bethlem's valleys and hills.

In no time it was voiced in Jerusalem,

stirring hearts, both for good and for ill.

Trevor Thorn

Why ‘Climericks’ Christmas - because the Climericks on our companion site just might help to save the planet if they can help get the Climate catastrophe Message - and that we can do things to help spread widely.

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Angels for Advent: Day 24 - Gathering For The Angel Tree


...And suddenly, there was with the angel

a multitude of the heavenly host,

praising God and saying

 ‘Glory to God in the highest heaven

 and on earth peace...’ Luke 2 vv 13 & 14

They may not have looked like this, but from the Angel tree collection imagine the glorious angels’ song - and think about where you might help bring peace.

See also our fully decorated tree HERE

For a brave Bishop, we give thanks.2

Yesterday  I responded to Pam’s distress and sense of impotence at a FB comment about the Andrew Brown CT article. I have now had time to read it in entire and feel extremely angry a what I feel is unjustified invective. Other think so. 69 supportive reactions and many commented along with their recaction. Than you to you all, I will try and convey that to Helen-Ann but not quite sure at this moment. There was one moment I particularly enjoyed. I had alluded to Screwtape (CSLewis Screwtape Letters) then used the word ‘devilified’. I was properly challenged that it should have been ‘Vilified’. That was a perfectly correct challenge, but that ‘Devilified’ seemed somehow to chime with the activity of Lewis’s senior demon!

After reading the article, I wrote

Why did Brown attack Helen-Ann?

Seems masculine Id only can

cause him to believe

her ethical lead

is a power grab. 

O cynical man.

I will be sending it to the CT Editor during today.

Monday, 23 December 2024

For a brave Bishop, we give thanks.

Pam and I have been utterly appalled to see the way in which Helen-Ann Hartley has been devilified in the Church Press, which should surely have policies that prevent such polarised views being expressed, and from others. At time like this it is easy to feel impotent to give any meaningful support - then we realised that commenting on such situations is bound into the history of the Limerick. Here’s our support in five lines.

When a bishop decides to be brave, 

and speak out: there’s a chance she might save, 

the church from extinction.

Then might demons spread fiction 

ambition has got in the way?

Maybe Screwtape has once again been casting his long shadow - thank you C. S. Lewis.

Angels for Advent: Day 23 - Gathering For The Angel Tree

 ...And suddenly, there was with the angel

a multitude of the heavenly host,

praising God and saying

 ‘Glory to God in the highest heaven

 and on earth peace...’ Luke 2 vv 13 & 14

They may not have looked like this, but from the Angel tree collection imagine the glorious angels’ song - and think about where you might help bring peace.

See also our fully decorated tree HERE

Sunday, 22 December 2024


Pixabay free image of Musk

I don’t usually post on Sundays, but there are times to work outside self imposed rules - even when they have their roots in  Biblical commandment.  But today, I feel utterly incensed that American mega-bucks are trying to shift this country even further to the right than we are being taken by our own leadership (I use that last word with some reservation, too and am glad we didn’t vote Labour). So I have sent a message to this effect, to the BBC via their website and it will be interesting to see if they find any space for it.

'Re your item relating to Musk’s obsession with Britain and The Observer’s Front Page ’56% of public back political donations gap’ I am part of that majority and I wonder if others among them will warm to my sentiments






Angels for Advent: Day 22 - Gathering For The Angel Tree


...And suddenly, there was with the angel

a multitude of the heavenly host,

praising God and saying

 ‘Glory to God in the highest heaven

 and on earth peace...’ Luke 2 vv 13 & 14

They may not have looked like this, but from the Angel tree collection imagine the glorious angels’ song - and think about where you might help bring peace.

See also our fully decorated tree HERE

Saturday, 21 December 2024

Angels for Advent: Day 21 - Gathering For The Angel Tree


...And suddenly, there was with the angel

a multitude of the heavenly host,

praising God and saying

 ‘Glory to God in the highest heaven

 and on earth peace...’ Luke 2 vv 13 & 14

They may not have looked like this, but from the Angel tree collection imagine the glorious angels’ song - and think about where you might help bring peace.

See also our fully decorated tree HERE

Friday, 20 December 2024

Angels for Advent: Day 20 - Gathering For The Angel Tree


...And suddenly, there was with the angel

a multitude of the heavenly host,

praising God and saying

 ‘Glory to God in the highest heaven

 and on earth peace...’ Luke 2 vv 13 & 14

They may not have looked like this, but from the Angel tree collection imagine the glorious angels’ song - and think about where you might help bring peace.

See also our fully decorated tree HERE

Wildfires: Evidence of Climate Chaos

Wildfires: Evidence of Climate Chaos
Wildfires: Evidence of Climate Chaos

Cascade of Stars and Gas (Imagined image: CGI)

Cascade of Stars and Gas (Imagined image: CGI)
Cascade of Stars and Gases. This image will take you to the meditation 'Deep Silence'

Butterfly Nebula (CGI)

Butterfly Nebula (CGI)
The Imaginary Butterfly Nebula . Anything like this would be a real Curiosity! The image will link you to the reflection titled 'Curiosity' which is actually a celebration of the achievement of landing the Mars Rover of that name

Ten thousand billion suns - A scintilla of God’s Universe

Ten thousand billion suns - A scintilla of God’s Universe
It is currently thought that the Universe has at least 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars! Hence the use of the word ‘scintilla’ for a mere ten thousand billion.

Cross and Particle Accelerator (CGI)

Cross and Particle Accelerator (CGI)
Cross and Particle Accelerator. The words of 'A Prayer for Understanding' can be viewed by clicking on this image

Nebula (Embroidery)

Nebula (Embroidery)
Nebula (Embroidery) to accompany the poem 'Invitation' which can be found by clicking on the image.

Nativity Star (CGI)

Nativity Star (CGI)
Nativity Star: This image will link you to the collection of new Carols on this site. Also, the image can easily be copied onto an overhead acetate and used as a window decoration. Easy for children to achieve. Note the cross at the centre of the star.

Orange Galaxy

Orange Galaxy
'Orange Galaxy' posted to accompany 'Bounded and Boundless'. Go to the poem by clicking on the image.

Cosmic Ikon 8 Moth

Cosmic Ikon 8 Moth
Cosmic Ikon 8: Moth Nebula(imagined-acrylic) The Gold field of deep space is intended to convey the Lordship of Christ over the whole of the Cosmos

Surprise garden rose (Photo)

Surprise garden rose (Photo)
This beautiful head of roses in our garden, which are giving off a delightful perfume in the morning sun, seems a fitting picture to link to the sonnet 'Evolution and Beauty'. Let the picture take you there. It is a surprise because it is growing high on a bush of otherwise pure yellow roses: amazing!

Cross and Vortex

Cross and Vortex
'Cross and Vortex' to accompany 'Stars and Planets Sing Your Glory'. Click on the image to go to the poem/hymn.

Gaseous Cosmic Threads (Mixed media)

Gaseous Cosmic Threads (Mixed media)
Gaseous Cosmic Threads: Mixed media - acrylics and painted threads

St Francis’ Sky (Photo)

St Francis’ Sky (Photo)
Warm Umbrian Hills: Click image to take you to the poem St Francis' Sky

Cosmic Icon 7 Summerflower

Cosmic Icon 7 Summerflower
Cosmic Icon 7 - Summerflower Nebula (Acrylic)

Cosmic Labyrinth (CGI)

Cosmic Labyrinth (CGI)
'Cosmic Labyrinth' - This icon is a symbol of the path through the near reaches of the Cosmos with its 'Havens' where current advances in science (2012/13) are celebrated. By clicking on the picture you will be taken to the latest version of the poem of the same name.

Cross of Autumn Leaves (cropped Photo)

Cross of Autumn Leaves (cropped Photo)
Time, perhaps to consider a restorative break before the approach of Advent/ Christmas. Let this image take you to 'On Drawing Apart'.

IONA: The Marble Quarry (Photo)

IONA: The Marble Quarry (Photo)
On the South shore of Iona is a bay which shows the industrial scarring of a beautiful place. Read of it by clicking on the picture

Celtic cross candle (Photo)

Celtic cross candle (Photo)
Celtic Cross and candle' linked to the poem 'Awesome, Wonderful Creator'. Go to the poem by clicking on the image.

Light of the World amidst stars (CGI)

Light of the World amidst stars (CGI)
'Light of the world' posted to accompany 'To Light'. Find the poem by clicking on the image.

Iona from Fionnphort (Watercolour)

Iona from Fionnphort (Watercolour)
Iona from Fionnphort. At this point of the Isle of Mull, the end of a pilgrimage or trip to Iona is in sight. Click on this picture to take you to the poem 'IONA - The Pilgrim Way'

My Mesh Mask for Radiotherapy

My Mesh Mask for Radiotherapy
This is the mask which was moulded to my face to ensure the radiotherapy I had in April 2017 was precisely targeted. You can read more by clicking on the image

Double Celebration

Double Celebration
Pam, who has been magnificent in caring for me since my Cancer diagnosis in October and I celebrate the end of Radiotherapy and our 36th Wedding Anniversary (Note the return of some hair!). Click on the image to read about the treatment - and waiting.

St Neots Sunset (Photo)

St Neots Sunset (Photo)
Surrounded by beauty: Whie 'Evolution and Beauty' became one of the most viewed poems on this blog, Pam, my wife took this gorgeous picture of a sunset over the flatlands of Cambridgeshire UK. Click on it to go to the poem

Gabriel - written/painted by Pam, my wife in 2015

Gabriel - written/painted by Pam, my wife in 2015
Gabriel began the Christmas story with his visit to Mary. The story is told in our Christmas collection in the Carol, Go to Nazareth My Great Messenger. Click on this image to take you there.

Maple Leaf Nebula (CGI)

Maple Leaf Nebula (CGI)
IMAGINARY IMAGE TO CELEBRATE CANADA DAY: Click on this his imaginary 'Maple Leaf Nebula' to take you to a poem entitled 'Nebula' (image not to be confused with NGC 2024, the Flame Nebula which is also known as the Maple Leaf)

Beauty in the Garden - June 2016

Beauty in the Garden - June 2016
Beauty in the Garden - June 2016

Aurora Imagined over Iona (Watercolour & pastel)

Aurora Imagined over Iona (Watercolour & pastel)
First posted here on Adomnan’s day (23rd September) 2015. An imagined natural phenomenom that could be seen to resonate mystically with the idea of Iona being a ‘thin place’ where heaven brushes earth.

Assisi Sunset

Assisi Sunset
Assisi Sunset

Thinking about the Brain

Thinking about the Brain
This image is formed from a small section of neural pathways posted by the Koch Institute, clipped, part inverted and stitched together. It is intended to impart a sense of our extensive, but still partial understanding of what goes on in that awesome part of our bodies, our brains. By clicking on the image, you will be taken to a celebratory poem/song ‘For Amazement by Beauty’ about all of our senses.

Source (CGI by Trevor Thorn)

Source (CGI by Trevor Thorn)
Source: Expand the image to reveal its heart

Rainbow spiral (CGI)

Rainbow spiral (CGI)
'Rainbow Spiral' to accompany 'Darkness,Illuminator' . Find the poem by clicking on the iImagined mage

Cross and simple Prayer rope (Photo)

Cross and simple Prayer rope (Photo)
Cross and simple prayer rope: make one like this to use as an aid to using ‘The Jesus Prayer'