Something a bit more lighthearted today!
The Journey
On my way to eternity,
I would love to rove
the heavens
to see what wonders
You have planted
in the glorious
of the Universe!
Would that I could go
hand in hand
with a knowing angel
who might
teach me on the way
the habits of Heaven;
that, when we arrive,
my understanding
of the freedom
of eternal life
would be a treasure,
through the showing to me,
by my guide,
of the deep mysteries
both of the Firmament
and The Maker's kingdom.
Might my guide
also disclose to me
something yet more
than I have been able
to humanly grasp?
Why You, in your love
and mercy,
to create
such an incomprehensibly wonderful
habitation for us.
And when we arrive
and I am forgiven
my arrogant curiosity
and all my other sins;
may what I have seen
be the foundation
of my contribution
to the ceaseless praise
of the celestial host
which You,