Come women! Come women, help Earth.
If you once have, or soon, will give birth,
through the CLIMCUBE* campaign,
give the COGS** CORPS sharp pains,
in their greedy objective, net worth.
*COGS = Coal, Oil, Gas, Shale (This acronym is going to be encountered over and over again in further CLIMERICKS which are the outward looking faces of a CLIMCUBE (see below)
I write this having given a lot of thought to the possible ways in which anger can be expressed at consistent failures in almost every country, to formulate plans and make policies that will address the undeniable catastrophe our planet is facing. These plans and policies have almost always been made by men. I therefore conclude that what seems to me an instinctive desire for the vulnerable – and our planet is decidedly vulnerable right now makes it more likely that it will be women who save us, as they have done the Anglican church who would simply have run out of men to run it if they had not ordained women 30 years ago.
The *CLIMCUBE displays CLIMERICKs, which, being only five lines long, cannot, of course, encompass every aspect I would have liked. So it appears exclusive of women who cannot or decide not to have offspring, a decision which I imagine might be a painful one, precisely because of this very climate threat. Such a decision can only be made more difficult with the lack of care for our common home being shown by those in power,
No! To the contrary. I have the privilege of knowing single women who care passionately for the Earth and are prepared to take considerable risk to try and raise awareness of just how precarious our situation is right now. I am thankful for them
I am thankful, too, for the many Climate-caring men who are also excluded in this short burst of verse.
But in terms of rallying the vast numbers of people who need to make politicians aware that they are failing millions of us, I suspect steering the CLIMERICK towards women is a sound idea.
Women, too might, I guess, be more likely to voice concern that profit is allowed, disgracefully, to be put way above concern for people (ask many indigenous and poor people).
That is, of course, because it maintains the power imbalances that enable the rich to consistently oppress the poor who are the end-of-the-line victims of Climate injustice.
Thus, any five-liner cannot possibly address the immense sweep of all this.
But I hope my plea to women of all situations, to rally to this cause, which just might help save the Earth and us, will speak to many who read it, and prompt the response,
‘I CAN do something: I can protest and teach my children and their children to protest at every opportunity.’
I have to say, for one, am pinning a lot of my hope on you?