Do angel wings pulse through the air of another planet
in the arms of a galaxy light years from here?
Does the breath of such messengers summon and challenge
creatures who think, but who most strange, appear?
IF wings pulse and breath stirs unknown beings to listen,
prepared to respond to their Maker’s desire,
that message will ring out with love, truth, and wisdom,
and on that far world, peace and justice inspire.
This poem envisages that somewhere among the trillions of billions of Exoplanets (planets orbiting stars beyond our solar system), God’s messengers - angels - will be at work amongst any sentient inhabitants
...And suddenly, there was with the angel
a multitude of the heavenly host,
praising God and saying
‘Glory to God in the highest heaven
and on earth peace...’ Luke 2 vv 13 & 14
They may not have looked like this, but from the Angel tree collection imagine the glorious angels’ song - and think about where you might help bring peace.
See also our fully decorated tree HERE