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Would it be fair to describe the age old custom of making New Resolutions being one of the most disappointing traditions of all time?
It does sometimes seem that we make resolutions knowing there is no hope of them being observed for the next 364 days; and loss of hope is always distressing.
So, this year, you are invited to make regular visits to our companion site, Eco-verses
Their post today, reads
'Here, once again, on the threshold of the New Year, we will, maybe struggle to decide how to repeat resolutions that didn’t survive the whole of a previous year. Here’s a different approach. New Climericks will be posted at least twice a week and will keep you focused on the need to care for the planet. Among them will be some that suggest specific sustainable ideas. So, you’ll be very welcome if you decide to visit regularly.’
And maybe by doing this, increase HOPE for our fragile planet.
I resolve this year, twenty- five,
to help keep the planet alive.
I’ll watch ECO-VERSES,
and, oppose all the curses
Of C O G S, and each day ECO-STRIVE.
*C O G S = Coal, Oil, Gas, Shale which collectively are stifling the planet - stifling us. So Eco-verses will be giving ideas of how to protest against these industries in the churches, in the street or from the armchair: for those who want to make their voices heard from Age 6 - 106. In ways that will not inconvenience others in the normal course.
Want to learn more? Learn more about the thinking behind the growing collection of CLIMERICKS HERE