Throughout Creationtide, 1st September - 4th October, there will be a daily posting of material to help us reflect on the various themes associated with this period in the Church’s year.
- Ebook by the author
- available from Wild Goose Publishrs
- The posts will incorporate the following themes:
- Glory of the Cosmos,
- Bible
- Earth’s Wonders
- Care of the Planet
- Meditation/ Prayer
- Praise & Adoration
- Jesus, the heart of it all
I hope you will find these notes, prayers, hymns and meditations helpful and that you will feel you want to call in on the site each day. You will be very welcome and as many of the items reflect the biggest challenge of our times (notwithstanding Covid 19), I hope you might encourage other like-minded people to join us on this 34 day pilgrimage.
Of Herbs and Electrons
Little by little, step by step,
we know more about everything.
In a warm spring garden
aromas are tempted out
by the sun’s powerful caressing.
For centuries, that was the finite end of the tale.
But now we want to know
how it is that oils are released to regale
us with such perfumed delight
as box, lavender, rosemary
with its added promise of blossom,
purple, pink, white.
We can, if we choose, have explained
how the protons and neutrons dance
excitedly in the warmth,
With their eerily fickle electrons
to enhance
The attars of the spring
Or simply bask in this God-given glory
Of the garden’s vernal unfolding.
Little by little, step by step,
We know more about everything:
In a warm spring garden,
Both science and beauty reveal
The miracles of God’s fashioning.
Other poems with a scientific theme can bee found in the special index here
You might also like to reflect on the internationality of the potential contribution towards the stewardship of the earth from the Christian church globally by spending ten minutes listening to one of the many versions of ’The Blessing’ which have been published during Lockdown times. Today’s choice comes from Zimbabwe