This is the twenty-first song written for primary age children so they can be encouraged to think about science as part of God’s creation and to look at how the sciences can help us understand the glory of that creation.
The songs are easy to learn and easy to sing because most of them have tunes that will be recognised. The scientific basis has been checked by well-qualified scientists to give anyone who uses them confidence. We hope you will enjoy the songs. If you should feel daunted by the possibility of being asked questions you can’t answer, you may find Keynotes and FAQs helpful
If you enjoy this song, please pass it to other parents, teachers, youth leaders, carers you feel might also find it helpful.
To print the score, or the words, go to the instructions at the bottom of this post to access pdf files to print from.
Sing of God and Science: Song No 21
It Really Isn’t Odd!
Pupil or small number of children read out a one very simple science statement starting ‘Scientists can.....
then a statement such as those below
‘Scientists can help us understand how…
· Ice turns to water when it gets warmer’
· Light bends in water
· How our lungs use the air we breathe
It really isn't odd
if scientists think about God
as they probe the deep foundations
of his wonderful creation,
now and then they may well think about God.
Listen here
Quick Look at Score
To access a pdf file of the song to print the score CLICK HERE