NASA’s exquisite ‘Blue Marble’
image of earth from space
A suggested Service Order for Creationtide - From beginning of September to St Francis’ Day 4th October.
Click on each page in turn to achieve a more easily readable version. Electronic copies of the service order in ‘Word’ to allow it to be changed can be requested from me at
Click on each page in turn to achieve a more easily readable version. Electronic copies of the service order in ‘Word’ to allow it to be changed can be requested from me at

Original opening remarks 5th September 2017
Last Sunday was the first Sunday in September and also the first Sunday of ‘Creationtide'. I was due to lead Morning Worship in one of ‘our’ three Anglican parishes. The congregation was not likely to be large and would be predominantly over 65. I particularly wanted to celebrate the season which incorporates themes that are dear to my heart as is evident from even a cursory reading of this blog. But I was not at all sure a fresh service order with unfamiliar concepts and unfamiliar words would be appreciated.
I need not have worried! The enthusiasm was palpable. I was thanked in several different ways for a ‘very thought-provoking service’. One parishioner, with a nephew who has left his home church as he fears he cannot be a scientist and a church member, asked for my sermon notes and took away the service sheet to send on to him. I pray that together they might help to encourage him to re-think that decision: that is now in God’s hands. It is with considerable gratitude that I believe some of that congregation went home actually excited by the themes!
So with that hugely encouraging experience, I offer below the service order and would encourage any Ministers or worship leaders to consider adapting it to encourage their fellowship members to become serious about caring for this wonderful planetary home we share by the grace of our most generous and gracious God - Lord of the entire cosmos.
Other songs/ hymns with an ecological theme which could be used in this service can be found HERE
Other songs/ hymns with an ecological theme which could be used in this service can be found HERE