‘People from
Cambridge and Ely and across the Diocese of Ely came together last night to
celebrate ‘The Wonders of Creation revealed by Science’. A glimpse of the
breadth of the reach of science was provided by Prof. Alasdair Coles who spoke
fluently about our contemporary understanding of the human brain, by Dr Frank
Flynn who took the participants into the realms of deep space and Trevor Thorn
who organized the celebration and read one of his own poems about palaentology,
reflecting on the excitement of children at finding amber on a beach.
‘We were greatly
encouraged’, said Trevor afterwards ‘to see how many people are prepared to
actively engage with the fascinating way in which faith and science can be
woven together to reflect on the sheer wonder of our existence’’
Part of the
encouragement came in comments made on Facebook such as,
‘It was a lovely service Trevor, the talks, poetry,
music in a lovely peaceful setting…’
What was even further encouraging was that it worked
so well in the Cathedral, having been first developed for use in one of our
Country parishes (All Saints’, Landbeach) and transferred into the Cathedral
setting very well. So, demonstrably a possibility for most Church settings –
and perhaps for school assemblies as well.
Click once (or possibly twice) on each of the following images to produce readable pages on your screen

The two poems on page 6 (Reading) were linked with the First Reading from Job by the narrative shown below

further material that could suitably replace the poems used above can be found in the ‘Wonders of Science’ section of this blog which can be accessed HERE