With the time of the Bethlehem star and the Christchild/ Messiah’s coming, time to gaze up and realize that in the northern hemisphere, we see much the same configuration of stars as those that were ‘eclipsed’ by the ‘Star of wonder’. This short poem looks into that sky with a contemporary view.
I dream of a night-sky
I dream of a night-sky of rich, burnished
a realm of the all-mighty Lord:
the one who invites us to ponder eternity,
whilst scientists probe the depths of his
and the Wisdom that hovered before matter
This sky is a gallery of exquisite art,
of galaxies, nebulae, vast gaseous clouds
which shape and reshape over aeons, so
that my mind and my brain must be stretched
to allow
me to worship the King of this dazzling
and to reverence his creative power.