I imagine the God who
created the cosmos
as a Spirit, eternally
full of light, full of
love, full of energy
from whose Word every
particle spun,
to be shaped and
reshaped through existence
with some to emerge
into life
at first simple, then
complex, then sentient
bringing love and its
dark converse, strife.
This same God, out of
deepest compassion,
set power and glory
became human, risked
wrath and malevolence
to redeem us from
sin’s drowning tide.
Original introductory comments.
In November 2013, we were on The 'Holy Island of LINDISFARNE' as it is formally called, (almost as far North East as one can travel in England before crossing the border into Scotland) nearing the end of a three month Sabbatical - which was a very special time for both Pam and myself. It started in Umbria, near Assisi, and ended in Northumbria.
At the beginning of our stay on the island (which was the base for the Celtic Saints Aidan and Cuthbert), we were walking between the parish church and the medieval Abbey when the words 'God, forever young' came suddenly into my mind. I do not think I have encountered them before, but with a slight variation, they seemed a very appropriate description for a Creator of a Universe which, scientists can now deduce, is constantly being shaped and reshaped. It is also a helpfully long way from the notion, many seem to have acquired, of God as an old man. I hope some of you who read this will also feel this a helpful contrast.
Footnote: Lindisfarne was a part of the Celtic story that stems from Iona. There are poems on this blog about Iona which can be found in the section near the top of the right hand column titled 'My IONA poems'.The most looked at of these is 'IONA, The Nunnery' which is about women's place in the church and justice. To read 'The Nunnery', Click here
Also, other poems, meditations and songs with a SCIENCE and FAITH theme can be accessed HERE
Footnote: Lindisfarne was a part of the Celtic story that stems from Iona. There are poems on this blog about Iona which can be found in the section near the top of the right hand column titled 'My IONA poems'.The most looked at of these is 'IONA, The Nunnery' which is about women's place in the church and justice. To read 'The Nunnery', Click here
Also, other poems, meditations and songs with a SCIENCE and FAITH theme can be accessed HERE