Gasrous cosmic threads
Come, consider with me the length and the depth and the breadth of space and consider the information and images that emanate from it: Is your God and mine mighty enough to have created this vastness?
Can our God set the bounds that have fashioned galaxy after galaxy with billions of stars and an abundance of attendant planets?
Have nebulae and supernovae poured from the hands of our God; like a cascade of glittering gold from a furnace?
Was our God there before all this came into being and did he conceive its rhythmic immensity?
Is God at the heart, the core, the centre of every one of the cosmic dwelling places?
Does our God stride amongst the spirals, stream across the continuum of time and space? And yet know me when I call?
Cry "Yes! Yes!" O creature of your Creator's incarnating: cry out that it is your God who commanded all this to flow from the hands, the heart and the mind of his ultimate love.
Cry out that we have been created to inhabit this special place in this gift of awesome array.
Cry out that so much that is made, so much that is given, is full of beauty and full of God-given distinctiveness.
Marvel that every person, every pebble, every sparrow, every snowflake, every leaf and every blade of grass is unique. Let us recognise this hallmark of creation and rejoice at its possibilities of diversity throughout this wondrous universe.
And, more; when we are moved by the beauty of this planet, this universe, remember also, the Creator committed the Son of His Trinity-self to an amazing act of redemption; to be born as a baby and to die on a cross for our salvation, the people of this greatly-blessed globe.
He, the Word, co-existent before the magnificence of the cosmos was poured from void, came to this tiny sphere to share our life and be slain by our sin.
O wonder! O marvel! O incomprehensible truth! Let us cry out, that resurrection followed so we might be sure we will come before this Creator to render our praise and worship in eternity.
Let our praises here transmit that eternal song to the far reaches of the universe.
Another entry on this blog considers the fourth dimension of Time.
And if you would like to see all the Little Canticles (similar in format) on this blog Click Here