This could give an opportunity for Christian fellowships/ congregations to think about their commitment to caring for our planet in song. It can be sung to the tune of Hills of The North Rejoice (or any other 66.66.88 metre tune).
Credits NASA
Make us good stewards, Lord,
Of this your earthly home.
Help us be resolute
In curbing damage done
By fossil fuels and plastic waste,
And other ways earth is defaced.
Help us encourage hope
That the world can achieve
Limits to harm caused by
products to which we cleave,
that strip the world of minerals rare,
and plunder water without care.
Give to your people, Lord,
Zeal so we might protest,
when justice is denied
by wealth’s voracious quests
That ransack earth, afflict the poor,
as greedy profiteers make more.
Other poems/hymns/songs with the theme of caring for our common home can be found HERE
Other poems/hymns/songs with the theme of caring for our common home can be found HERE