Bleak Sabbath
A Lament of a follower of Jesus
Empty as an inverted pitcher,
every hope, every bright hour,
every wonderment at a miracle
quashed by three vicious nails
and an alien spear
thrust deep into the side
of my most precious love.
Friends? I know not where they are.
Hiding like me?
Full of fear?
Fled from the city
for the safety of home
and work they understand?
O where, O where might they be?
I weep as I have never wept before:
for the death of him
who filled us with hope and joy;
at the remembrance of horror
I thought I would never have to bear;
at the thought of his once beautiful body
lifeless in a stone-cold tomb.
And with gut wrenching anxiety
for my own pitiable life.
There is nothing to live for,
I am utterly undone.
Let the mountains fall on me.
I feel I cannot bear another day
Yet I will cry out to the Father
to whom he taught us to pray.