Every now and then it is good to reflect on the things that easily distract us - and consider whether they are innocuous or risky. It's not always easy to be honest with ourselves - is it? This meditation reflects on that.
Beware the wiles
of The Whisperer,
the one who would
draw you into wickedness:
not into wild
at least, not at
but almost gently;
except this is no
form of gentleness.
Rather, it is to
be subtly steered
into that first
tentative step
that takes you
through a curtain
you know is drawn
for your good;
a barrier which
screens you from
a tantalizing glimpse
of unrighteousness.
Once breached,
The Whisperer
will draw you on,
on, on, onwards
into a deeper and
deeper mire
which once seemed
so unlikely to harm you;
‘Just a question
of giving curiosity a little rein’.
How dangerous
these moments are;
how easy to let
the Whisperer beckon.
That moment of suggestive
is a moment for
To be able to say
and remain
steadfast in that ‘No’
is a moment for
crying out to God.