The way in which to use this Timeline (or your own timeline) can be found HERE
1st Century: The disciples, St Paul and the journeyings of the first apostles
1st Century: The disciples, St Paul and the journeyings of the first apostles
step into Second Century
Britain Hidden saints often worshipping in small groups - one sect among many
probably under persecution
of 3rd Century
is the martyrdom of Alban - a Roman Soldier who sheltered a Christian priest
from Gaul and was baptized. Martyred in 208/9
4th century British Bishops at Council
of Arles in 314 but looking a little further afield St Martin of Tours -
Soldier who cut his cloak in two and gave half to a beggar - wide influence -
drawing on the Desert Fathers who had set up hermitages from the beginning of
the century
5th Century Augustine of Hippo stormy youth
then remarkable theologian. Romans probably left Britain. But many places of
worship (Bishops Germanus and Lupus preached "not only in Churches but
also at cross-roads and in fields and lanes")
the West, Patrick was evengelising Ireland having been taken there as a slave,
escaping & returning later
6th Century the rise of Celtic
Christianity - Columba
7th Century - Lindisfarne - Aidan (d
651): St Cuthbert (d 687). St Cedd (d 664)
8th century - Bede Ecclesiastical
history of the English Speaking peoples (d 735). At the end of the century
Vikings made martyrs of many in Lindisfarne.
9th Century Alfred - A Christian King
battled against the Danes and persuaded Guthrun to be baptized
10th Century - St Dunstan, Archbishop
builds up the Church and revitalises the monasteries: In Bohemia – Good King
11th Century Norman invasion dislodging
the Anglo Saxons – some of the wealthy escaped abroad but probably many unseen
12th Century Thomas a Becket v Henry II
also straddling 12th
& 13th centuries St Francis & St Clare
14th Century – back home and Mother
Julian of Norwich
15th Century Thomas a Kempis “Imitation
of Christ” & those who died at the hands of the Spanish Inquisition: Death
of Katherine of Sienna – mystic & “politician”
16th Century: Reformation – many
martyrdoms among Catholics and Protestants – including Ridley & Latimer on
October 16th 1555. |
17th Century Opens with a wave of Catholic persecutions following the
|Gunpowder plot: Sailing of the Mayflower to America in which stories can be
found of saintliness
18th Century William Wilberforce –anti-slavery, the Church Missionary
Society and the Bible Society
19th Century Saints of the many
Victorian Missionary Societies who
sent people out to distant lands who were martyred or fell ill and died
20th Century – Dietrich Bonhoffer and/ or
the huge number of unknown martyrdoms across the former Soviet Union: Oscar
Romero & the Saints of South America
Century The parent and child represent US and
symbolise our responsibility for being the people who spread the Good News of
Jesus in this century