There is real blessing in those moments which prompt a memory that has lain buried for years in our amazing brains - and then emerges in an otherwise quite pedestrian moment. It feels to me something to be very thankful for. So, from a few moments just two days ago comes: (and the picture captures the moment wonderfully - although our nutcrackers are not so highly decorated!)
Sunday Evening and I Sit Cracking Walnuts
Sunday evening
and I sit cracking walnuts
fresh from a market stall. for the two of us,
It’s a sharp but gentle jab that does it best.
And as the half kernels emerge,
I discover something in common
with a late father,
who delighted
in the same child-like way,
At any intact nut-segment
Wrested from its shell,
well before they could be purchased,
as a pre-packaged,
supermarket commodity.