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Friday 25 March 2022

For Ukraine: A Lament based on Psalm 23 (З українською версією, перекладеною Google-перекладами)


Ukrainian Airport after Russian attack

Written at a Quiet Day: ‘Retreat into the Psalms’: 19.3.22:


A Lament based on Psalm 23


When reading Psalms, we, in the UK read them against the background of this time of long peace (since 1945) which must be one of the longest peace periods in the terrain of any country on record: we are very blessed. But this makes it impossible to even begin to imagine what it is like to be terrorised by armed aggressors and have to flee for your life. Something so traumatic, so terrifying, so appalling must surely justify even one of the most comforting of Psalms being turned into a Lament. Here is an inevitably inexperienced attempt at Lament for the people of Ukraine and every other battle zone of this sad world, where evil forces innocent people to forsake everything with which they are familiar, to survive.


I dedicate this to the people of Ukraine – and pray for miracles for them.


A Lament based on Psalm 23


The Lord is my shepherd:

But the wolf has chased me from green pastures

and I am in a wilderness;

a place without water,

a place without comfort,

a place of terror for me and my lambs.


I shall not want:

But I do want.

I want to be taken home without the menace

of tanks and missiles

and invading forces.


He makes me lie down in green pastures 

and leads me beside still waters:

I have had to forsake

all the green pastures I have ever known

as I flee for my life and my children’s lives.

Neither are there any still waters

In this surging, chaotic tempest. 


He restores my soul:

Nothing, but nothing can restore

my soul in its anguish –

even the kindness of strangers

who do what they can to help from day to day.

I need the light of the Lord

to penetrate this,

the darkest night of my soul;

my night of bitter tears.


He leads me in the paths of righteousness:

But I am chased with my fellow refugees

into the murderous swamps of evil

and despondency because of those

who wish us harm.


For His Names sake:

I have called.

My companions have called on you Lord:

but it is as if you are deaf to our calls.


Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil:

I am full of fear

for my life, 

for the lives of my children

and my children’s children:

for our assailants

kill us indiscriminately

and I feel as if you are absent.


For you are with me, Your rod and staff comfort me.

I am as a lamb

abandoned by my shepherd.

Your rod and Your staff

give me little comfort

against the armaments

that are flung against me

and my companions of the moment,

as each bleak minute

follows each bleak minute.


You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.

I long for the abundance of a feast 

in the presence of my enemies;

but they would have me starve to death.

I long to see the fruits of my home country

feeding my own people

in their homes and in their fields.


Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.

O mighty God, who delights in peace and justice,

Restore, soon, our homes, 

restore our communities

and bring the mighty gift of shalom back into our land,

which the Enemy

has so wilfully destroyed.


Trevor Thorn: March 2022.

A PDF Version to download for printing can be found HERE

In Ukrainian by Google Translation

Плач на основі Псалма 23
Читаючи псалми, ми у Великобританії читаємо їх на тлі цього довгого миру (з 1945 року), який має бути одним із найдовших мирних періодів на території будь-якої країни за всю історію: ми дуже благословенні. Але це не дає можливості навіть уявити, що таке тероризувати збройні агресори і рятуватися життям тікати. Щось таке травмуюче, таке жахливе, таке жахливе, безсумнівно, повинно виправдати, щоб навіть один із найвтішних псалмів перетворився на Плач. Тут неодмінно недосвідчена спроба Плачу за народом України та будь-якої іншої зони бою цього сумного світу, де зло змушує невинних людей покинути все, що їм знайоме, щоб вижити.
Я присвячую це народу України – і молюся про чудеса для них.
Плач на основі Псалма 23
Господь мій пастир:
Але вовк прогнав мене з зелених пасовищ
а я в пустині;
місце без води,
місце без затишку,
місце жаху для мене та моїх ягнят.
я не хочу:
Але я хочу.
Я хочу, щоб мене забрали додому без загрози
танків і ракет
і сили вторгнення.
Він змушує мене лежати на зелених пасовищах
і веде мене біля тихих вод:
Мені довелося відмовитися
всі зелені пасовища, які я коли-небудь знав
як я втікаю за своє життя та життя своїх дітей.
Немає і тихої води
У цій бурхливій, хаотичній бурі.
Він відновлює мою душу:
Ніщо, але ніщо не може відновити
моя душа в муках -
навіть доброзичливість незнайомців
які щоденно допомагають чим можуть.
Мені потрібно світло Господнє
щоб проникнути в це,
найтемніша ніч моєї душі;
моя ніч гірких сліз.
Він веде мене стежками праведності:
Але мене ганяють з моїми побратимами-біженцями
у вбивчі болота зла
і зневіра через те
які бажають нам зла.
Заради Його імен:
я подзвонив.
Мої супутники закликали Тебе, Господи:
але наче ти глухий до наших закликів.
Хоч я йду долиною смертної тіні,
Я не буду боятися зла:
Я сповнена страху
за моє життя,
за життя моїх дітей
і діти моїх дітей:
для наших нападників
вбивати нас без розбору
і я відчуваю, ніби ти відсутній.
Бо Ти зі мною, Твій жезл і жезл мене втішають.
Я як ягня
покинута моїм пастухом.
Твій жезл і Твій посох
дай мені мало втіхи
проти озброєння
які кидаються проти мене
і мої супутники моменту,
як кожна похмура хвилина
слідує за кожною похмурою хвилиною.
Ти готуєш переді мною стіл перед моїми ворогами.
Я прагну до великого бенкету
в присутності моїх ворогів;
але вони хотіли б, щоб я помер з голоду.
Я прагну побачити плоди рідної країни
годувати свій народ
у своїх домівках і на своїх полях.
Напевно, добро і милосердя супроводжуватимуть мене по всі дні мого життя.
О, могутній Боже, що насолоджуєшся миром і справедливістю,
Відновіть, швидше, наші домівки,
відновити наші громади
і повернути могутній дар Шалому в нашу землю,
який Ворог
так свідомо знищив.

Another Prayer for Ukraine can be found at Sennacherib 2022

Wildfires: Evidence of Climate Chaos

Wildfires: Evidence of Climate Chaos
Wildfires: Evidence of Climate Chaos

Cascade of Stars and Gas (Imagined image: CGI)

Cascade of Stars and Gas (Imagined image: CGI)
Cascade of Stars and Gases. This image will take you to the meditation 'Deep Silence'

Butterfly Nebula (CGI)

Butterfly Nebula (CGI)
The Imaginary Butterfly Nebula . Anything like this would be a real Curiosity! The image will link you to the reflection titled 'Curiosity' which is actually a celebration of the achievement of landing the Mars Rover of that name

Ten thousand billion suns - A scintilla of God’s Universe

Ten thousand billion suns - A scintilla of God’s Universe
It is currently thought that the Universe has at least 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars! Hence the use of the word ‘scintilla’ for a mere ten thousand billion.

Cross and Particle Accelerator (CGI)

Cross and Particle Accelerator (CGI)
Cross and Particle Accelerator. The words of 'A Prayer for Understanding' can be viewed by clicking on this image

Nebula (Embroidery)

Nebula (Embroidery)
Nebula (Embroidery) to accompany the poem 'Invitation' which can be found by clicking on the image.

Nativity Star (CGI)

Nativity Star (CGI)
Nativity Star: This image will link you to the collection of new Carols on this site. Also, the image can easily be copied onto an overhead acetate and used as a window decoration. Easy for children to achieve. Note the cross at the centre of the star.

Orange Galaxy

Orange Galaxy
'Orange Galaxy' posted to accompany 'Bounded and Boundless'. Go to the poem by clicking on the image.

Cosmic Ikon 8 Moth

Cosmic Ikon 8 Moth
Cosmic Ikon 8: Moth Nebula(imagined-acrylic) The Gold field of deep space is intended to convey the Lordship of Christ over the whole of the Cosmos

Surprise garden rose (Photo)

Surprise garden rose (Photo)
This beautiful head of roses in our garden, which are giving off a delightful perfume in the morning sun, seems a fitting picture to link to the sonnet 'Evolution and Beauty'. Let the picture take you there. It is a surprise because it is growing high on a bush of otherwise pure yellow roses: amazing!

Cross and Vortex

Cross and Vortex
'Cross and Vortex' to accompany 'Stars and Planets Sing Your Glory'. Click on the image to go to the poem/hymn.

Gaseous Cosmic Threads (Mixed media)

Gaseous Cosmic Threads (Mixed media)
Gaseous Cosmic Threads: Mixed media - acrylics and painted threads

St Francis’ Sky (Photo)

St Francis’ Sky (Photo)
Warm Umbrian Hills: Click image to take you to the poem St Francis' Sky

Cosmic Icon 7 Summerflower

Cosmic Icon 7 Summerflower
Cosmic Icon 7 - Summerflower Nebula (Acrylic)

Cosmic Labyrinth (CGI)

Cosmic Labyrinth (CGI)
'Cosmic Labyrinth' - This icon is a symbol of the path through the near reaches of the Cosmos with its 'Havens' where current advances in science (2012/13) are celebrated. By clicking on the picture you will be taken to the latest version of the poem of the same name.

Cross of Autumn Leaves (cropped Photo)

Cross of Autumn Leaves (cropped Photo)
Time, perhaps to consider a restorative break before the approach of Advent/ Christmas. Let this image take you to 'On Drawing Apart'.

IONA: The Marble Quarry (Photo)

IONA: The Marble Quarry (Photo)
On the South shore of Iona is a bay which shows the industrial scarring of a beautiful place. Read of it by clicking on the picture

Celtic cross candle (Photo)

Celtic cross candle (Photo)
Celtic Cross and candle' linked to the poem 'Awesome, Wonderful Creator'. Go to the poem by clicking on the image.

Light of the World amidst stars (CGI)

Light of the World amidst stars (CGI)
'Light of the world' posted to accompany 'To Light'. Find the poem by clicking on the image.

Iona from Fionnphort (Watercolour)

Iona from Fionnphort (Watercolour)
Iona from Fionnphort. At this point of the Isle of Mull, the end of a pilgrimage or trip to Iona is in sight. Click on this picture to take you to the poem 'IONA - The Pilgrim Way'

My Mesh Mask for Radiotherapy

My Mesh Mask for Radiotherapy
This is the mask which was moulded to my face to ensure the radiotherapy I had in April 2017 was precisely targeted. You can read more by clicking on the image

Double Celebration

Double Celebration
Pam, who has been magnificent in caring for me since my Cancer diagnosis in October and I celebrate the end of Radiotherapy and our 36th Wedding Anniversary (Note the return of some hair!). Click on the image to read about the treatment - and waiting.

St Neots Sunset (Photo)

St Neots Sunset (Photo)
Surrounded by beauty: Whie 'Evolution and Beauty' became one of the most viewed poems on this blog, Pam, my wife took this gorgeous picture of a sunset over the flatlands of Cambridgeshire UK. Click on it to go to the poem

Gabriel - written/painted by Pam, my wife in 2015

Gabriel - written/painted by Pam, my wife in 2015
Gabriel began the Christmas story with his visit to Mary. The story is told in our Christmas collection in the Carol, Go to Nazareth My Great Messenger. Click on this image to take you there.

Maple Leaf Nebula (CGI)

Maple Leaf Nebula (CGI)
IMAGINARY IMAGE TO CELEBRATE CANADA DAY: Click on this his imaginary 'Maple Leaf Nebula' to take you to a poem entitled 'Nebula' (image not to be confused with NGC 2024, the Flame Nebula which is also known as the Maple Leaf)

Beauty in the Garden - June 2016

Beauty in the Garden - June 2016
Beauty in the Garden - June 2016

Aurora Imagined over Iona (Watercolour & pastel)

Aurora Imagined over Iona (Watercolour & pastel)
First posted here on Adomnan’s day (23rd September) 2015. An imagined natural phenomenom that could be seen to resonate mystically with the idea of Iona being a ‘thin place’ where heaven brushes earth.

Assisi Sunset

Assisi Sunset
Assisi Sunset

Thinking about the Brain

Thinking about the Brain
This image is formed from a small section of neural pathways posted by the Koch Institute, clipped, part inverted and stitched together. It is intended to impart a sense of our extensive, but still partial understanding of what goes on in that awesome part of our bodies, our brains. By clicking on the image, you will be taken to a celebratory poem/song ‘For Amazement by Beauty’ about all of our senses.

Source (CGI by Trevor Thorn)

Source (CGI by Trevor Thorn)
Source: Expand the image to reveal its heart

Rainbow spiral (CGI)

Rainbow spiral (CGI)
'Rainbow Spiral' to accompany 'Darkness,Illuminator' . Find the poem by clicking on the iImagined mage

Cross and simple Prayer rope (Photo)

Cross and simple Prayer rope (Photo)
Cross and simple prayer rope: make one like this to use as an aid to using ‘The Jesus Prayer'